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  • BETA 2.0 is now available, actually it's currently 2.04. I suggest watching the video in HD. BETA 3.0 is planned for the end of October 2014.
  • Considering this will be released nearly a year before SC, it's a no contest situation, at least for a year anyway. Just have to see tbh, with Beta 3.0 coming end of October with a gamma version probably a month later, release is looking like Xmas this year. The planet landing side of things is planned for around six months later. The current version looks stunning with many gfx updates compared to previous versions.
  • You're forgetting that Elite was the first of the space trading games released back in 1984. It's not a clone of anything, in fact it's the exact opposite
  • Development will continue on a regular basis after release. Pointless comparing Freelancer to Elite as all Freelancer did was borrow ideas from Elite, after all, it was the first game of its kind, even the developers of EVE acknowledge this. Everything that is in Freelancer is in Elite and then some. Populating all the systems obviously won't happen with in game npc's as that wouldn't be like that in real life. But you're kind of missing the point with Elite, it's always been about exploring an…
  • Enough of this religious nonsense, more important things have happened in the Elite Dangerous world. BETA 2.05 has just been released to fix some stability issues which have arisen getting in and out of hyperspace. Download through your launcher...
  • Yes it is Huor. You still need to buy a copy of the game (and it's actually £10 extra for beta access) but doing so will give you full access to all the testing before release.
  • Latest news here: Elite: Dangerous Newsletter #44