Search Results

Search results 1-10 of 10.

  • it would help more if you could think of changing the way you fly now. The changes for sure would make it more complicated travel to hostile space - but well its an MP game and so it could help to let others join. So could pirates hire mercs if they need protection - now there would be more sense to use it. Just saying dont be so shy to try new stuff. Universe is changing every now and then and so brings new things... standing still wont make you good in a changing environment^^
  • getting lost. first settings published and you compaint that being hostile make trading and traveling a pain in the we adjusted the settings so pirates dont get hostile to pirates and not friendly to police, and police cannot become hostile to police and not friendly to pirates. Mercs are not in favor of police and smugglers too but have some friends That is. Most of your reputation can be set between -0.59 and 0.59 - neutral. In that range you can make whatever you want. So its up to y…
  • your settings are not possible without that i change a lot and i dont have the time to change it. My suggestion is the folllowing and thats how the 2nd setting for this were suggested to OP from me: Hostile Range: from -0.9 to -0.6 --> hostile factions will shoot at you on sight (red on your ingame rep list)Neutral Range: from -0.59 to 0.59 --> neutral factions remain neutral (white on your rep list)Friendly Range: from 0.6 to 0.9 --> friendly factions will send you gifts (they are green on you…
  • similar to the described above. Smugglers right now are meant to not be able to get friendly to police and military factions. But dont get hostile to Lane Hackers, ALG and Farmer Alliance.There are just 3 factions so far - you are free to name me other factiosn which could probably be corrupt and support smuggling Mercs are also not meant to get friendly with police and military factions. The idea why i did choose so is that no police would allow mercs to take a police job and probably they are…
  • freelancers get no adjustments at all, you cannot fix anything with being freelancer. Your reputation stays as is, when you unmount your license. It may be that you are in a clan, then you surely get soon bankrupt flying without proper license.
  • 1. no, as is means as is when you unmount your license2. yes
  • with fast i meant fast, OP was bankrupt within 10 minutes as we tested it lately ;D
  • it is put back to action once we activate that plugin again and as soon as you are online. Switching licenses is a bit constructive for such feature.But as long as this is not working as intended you now have all time to get your licenses straight.
  • first we need to get the server running stable and then we enable those features step by step... We might consider to give an information once we activate that feature. But i cannot guarantee as we're in Beta and if time is available we work here and there on the server. If anyone is fined not being guilty then post here and we will recover costs.