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  • I think it would be a great idea due to the dynamicness of it, and in theory would work well, but in practice I think it might cause more problems in the long run due to creating too many restrictions and limitations of where people can go in the universe. Ultimately only freelancers have true freedom but pirates and police would be very limited. Would it be possible to make the licenses give a set increase/decrease so cops/pirates would just have to work harder to become friendly with the oppo…
  • The biggest problem I see is, how are big events such as races going to be handled? With this feature, if the race ends up going through more systems with pirates, its going to be a big problem for police. The pirate players can just bypass all the NPC pirates while the police are going to be attacked, harrased and slowed down like crazy. That would give the pirates a huge and unfair advantage in those systems. The same goes for if the event involves more police heavy systems, the police will be…