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  • played freelancer when it first came out and loved it, with star citizen and Elite dangerous coming out I wanted to revisit freelancer and crossfire looked like a great mod for an upgrade to a old game. I finally got crossfire installed (correctly?) botted it up only to find several graphic problems; explosions were just flashing squarestextures for the bar on Manhattan are mainly whitethe Nebulae (I think) are extremely poor quality, see attached photo (although this has occurred on viniall FL…
  • Ah 16 bit colors, it has been so long I didn't recognise the problem, 32 bit has helped a lot however in regards to changing the config database, as ATI wasn't AMD back then there is no AMD cards listed, I'm going to have a stab at just adding a whole manufactuer etc. section in myself but if that fails I will get back to you, cheers for the help.