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  • The Void

    I am Strail, one of the Admins on The Void server. I have seen that some of your players wish to "invade" The Void. You are welcome to attempt to "invade" The Void server providing that you adhere to the server rules. Contrary to a previous post here, I will not simply ban a player from another server, only if that person breaks the server rules will he be banned. So, why not try it? come to the "noob" server where "quantity not quality" resides. I would suggest that The Void players invade cro…
  • The Void

    I think you misunderstand the invitation. Before in the threads complaining about Void, I did not answer, it is your forum and say what you will. My offer is purely this, for those players who want to take on Voids players you can without worry of reprise etc from the admin. That is purely it, everyone has their own opinions as to what server they prefer, I don't care about this, I am more concerned about the players who want to fight at the Void but think they will have trouble with the admins…
  • The Void

    @ SWAT_OP-R8R YOU started this with your ego comments of noob and shitty about the players and the server of the Void. You used remarks which were chosen to ridicule the Void server. Why have you deleted the two threads that showed all this anger and abuse about Void? Surely as you enjoyed the name calling you would want to display it again? To help your memory, these are the threads you used to abuse and call Void, the server the players and the admin. Thread removed in Server News = "A call t…
  • The Void

    @ THE ICEMAN and others Read the deleted threads, then you will understand why I am so annoyed. These deleted threads are the reason why these posts have been made.