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  • Hi all. I have the same problem with these drones. After the first 3 i had all my boosters and bots, no need to use it. Then there were spawning 3 at once, after i toke them out, i had 53 Bots and 19 shieldbooster. After the 7th Drone i had 49 Bots, but no shield booster. Then 5 Drones spawn, 3 of them direct in front of me. After 2, (No. 7+8), of them i had 20 bots, full armor, and some shield, but then Number 9, 10 and 11, spreaded my ashes between the stars. The problem is, that they drop so…
  • ...Unbelievble, i just made it... but only, bec. this time, only 1 or 2 drones spawned, at once, and not 3-5. Believe me, i was flying in any trial direct to the way point. But as i described, several times 3 drones spawned 1900 meters in front of me, between me and the waypoint, without any chance to take all out, (incl. the two closing up bbehind me). Staying in Cruise was not possible in this crossfire of disruptors and energyfire. I have no clou, why this time it was different... really. I …
  • ... In chapter 4, where several companion came with me, i could see the following. > They stayed allways in a cloud, a cluster of some stockpiled ships, (if it's the right word). (Picture 3, these are all fighters on the same place). > When i had to jump to a new system, they followers jumped upon me, in my neck and my ship toke damage. at the end, it looked as you can see in the picture 1 below. These damages, which all the companions had, came not from fighting, they never fought, it was only…
  • ... I ask myself, if it's possible to arrange, that waypoints work as in the original game. Means... In a mission in the original game, until level 16 or so, KusariSector, you had not to follow each waypoint straight. As example you had to go to New York, but you went to explore to many other systems, in each new system it showed you the shortest know way to your mission target. (Perhaps it comes back, when in 2.0 waypoints work again). In CF, as it happend just now after mission 30, i had to f…