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Search results 1-20 of 53.

  • I have posted the below thread on the LancersReactor "Clans" forum section. Please note the special offer... i would be very appeciative to anyone who helps out newcomers looking for their 1.5m while i'm offline, i will gladly repay you ASAP ( all know i'm good for it). ___________________________________________ Chaos Clan on Crossfire looking for Recruits The Chaos Pirate Clan on the 24/7 Crossfire server is looking for a few good pilots to make up for our recent battle losses. We and ou…
  • Thx, M8's i do appreciate it! I think y'all are cute too, lol
  • Refugees Welcome!

    Allow me to shamlessly bump this thread by welcoming any and all who recently came to CF from servers that have temporarily (..or permanently) closed down. We are glad to see you.. and many of you are obviously experienced and can hardly be called noobs. Don't be shy about asking for your 1.5m if i miss talking to you online. It comes without strings and i promise not to try to recruit you (at least right away, lol). Also let me welcome 3 new member to Chaos: Sorinake, Lothar Van Kie, and Merc;…
  • The thought has crossed my mind so i have been privately recording them and any a.k.a.'s i see (they will stay private). If you pay anyone please record the event as well and lmk when we next meet. But i'm not gonna waste worry about it since only a small percentage of ppl would do that anyway. I guess i'm an eternal optomologist (?). ... And since we're bad-assed Pirates it would almost be worth it to have the fun of hunting em, lol. [Note i said "almost"-- so dont take it as an invitation!!]
  • Thx Lothar. Still a badass, tho. It's just that i have a firm grip on where RP ends (i hope, lol). But if i have another pint; i'll be singing the "Pirate Song" again ( very glad that FL doesnt have sound comm, m8 ).
  • Chaos welcomes our 2 new recruits to our Clan. We are glad to have experienced and fun-loving pilots like you guys on our team. We are all-for-one, one-for-all.... And Chaos will prove that statement whenever necissary: I hope it wont be but if it is then we will not shirk our duty of protecting our Clansmen. That is the real meaning of "honour" imo. To my other m8's : We will fight you all if needbe but remember it is only RP.... and "this too shall pass". I understand if you have your orders …
  • OP called me a liar in the "declaration of war" thread which he closed before i could reply, so here's me reply to that: Many of your guys know me pretty well why dont you ask them about it, i trust them to tell you the truth (but i dont trust you to report it). As for the supposed dockrapes, since i never saw those messages i dont know what it was about. I do know this: BG will kill ppl trying to leave thru the X gate whenever they like.. Thats a fact that can be proven by lots of ppl to whom …
  • The bullsh*t battle is heating up as well as the one in space i see. Apoligise? no i didnt apoligise for that, because i saw it myself and it wasnt dockrape. Hmm, Nitro you seem to get dockraped an awfull lot... Is that your preferred method of getting rid of ppl you dont like? I know of FOUR times you kicked ppl for supposedly dockraping you. Is that an accurate or normal amount? Just bad luck i guess..... or another example of how the concept of "honour" is viewed very differently by those wi…
  • Now that Xiron is available to negotiate ending hostilities with OP, i won't comment on anything except that which is germain to the discussion (for now): The dockrape claim is not valid imo, i was about 1.5k away at the time and i saw you flying in a curve up and away from the dock before there was any firing (meaning you had free control). At the time Nitro was as angry and frustrated as i was yesterday (.. when getting hammered by half a dozen BG for 3 hours lol), that i can attest to. I wou…
  • Deliverance,Thx for replying. I like your Sig. comment (and Ted Nugent concerts too). Maybe it was me who said that.. can't remember.As stated in the opening post on this thread, we require that you not belong to any other FL Clan, and follow server and clan rules. More info via priv message.Rock On! Edit: Hmm, now i know why ppl are always quoting others on this forum: in case the original just disappears.
  • It gives me pleasure to announce that Phex has joined Chaos Clan. He is an honorable, well-known, and "notorious" Pirate on the server for a long time now... Many of us have heard his "100k or Fight" challenge as he catches us in space. He is a great addition to Chaos and we are proud to have him as a Clansman. Welcome Phex! Freelancers and traders had better watch their screens when Phex is around.
  • "Orphans" Welcome

    To those who are feeling left behind by their m8's, or who are simply not interested in joining giant "super-clans" on another server.... Come see me in space once things settle out over the next week or two. Because who knows? Things can change in those regards as suddenly as they started. But if things dont change... i think we could offer some of you a new Pirate home. ... And you ambitous guys or gals remember: If your clansmen walk away from you and join another, then you could always rebu…
  • @ Deliverance: Great, glad to hear it bud we still want ya now that things are back to normal. Maybe one of us can burn you a cd of CF v1.5 and mail it when it releases. Dont worry your piloting skills are what matters not forum skills (we offer training for the former but yer on yer own for the latter lol). @ OP: Gotta say that beats hearing "ur wrong" (lol couldnt resist).
  • Deliverance In

    Allow me to welcome Deliverance to Chaos Clan: Glad you joined us, M8. The Cretinous Crazies of Casius are glad to have you with us! There is plenty of pirate plundering, pillaging, and pvping to be done around here yet... So grab a parrot, an eye patch, and a peg leg and jump on in.
  • Cool.

    Fallen Angel, hope to see ya around soon. Any friend of Deliverance is a friend of Chaos. Try "AVG".. $34 but worth it. i had the best up-to-date Norton Corporate version and AVG found a ton of stuff that missed.

    Back to the original reason for this thread: We are looking for killers to join us in our task of making the server equal to all. Contact me or Xiron, its time for the Pirates of CF to unite and prepare for the death and slaughter that we will give our enemies in CF 1.5 .... Only one clan on CF would take-on the police... Only one clan could stand against the best they could throw at us... and only one clan will RULE..... CHAOS !
  • thx Xiron and Deliverance. Now all Chaos please go to our Forum ASAP and check out & comment on the logo submissions so we can send to OP.
  • fallen: Theres plenty of good reasons to get yer MP working now anyway; but sure you can join l8r. Between now and then you could practice and learn some pvp moves.... this is something that is useful for any FL mod, anytime. When you fly with us, within a few training sessions you can beat most ppl out there (if you are willing to put in the time and effort). The new mod will add some weps and ships and also add some quirks to tactics, but the old skills should still be fully viable.
  • What's this thread about? It's about Chaos' continued and uncontested dominance of the "Dark Side" of the Server.... ("Luke... Who's yo Daddy" lol). Chaos won't use "telemarketing" techniques to fish for new ppl (asking everyone on the chat channels).. That's annoying and noob imo. We advertise here, heavily, but it's passive SO IF YOU DONT LIKE IT TUFF p00p! Dont friggin read it then. If you still have a problem with it or me then we just come kill you online. We may anyway.... thats out job, …
  • Quote: and every prey has its hunter (aka BG) @ OP, i fully agree.... The BG is also prey to it's preditors.I realize that's not what you meant but it's nonethess true for us all.