Search Results

Search results 1-9 of 9.

  • I can help with 5, will post more in Tertiary suugestions: news, rumors and so on for bars thread and work also on wiki which helps with getting ideas. For 1 .. can be given more details what should be (basic structure) in these stories? Is needed join Dev group for this?
  • Its only me or you also can't see these last 2 pictures? (I see only grey desk)
  • New moons descriptions Progress: remains (90) to do. [expander=examples] Ex1: Rynit is one of two moons orbiting planet Teltow. The Order intensively scanned its surface after they destroyed the nomad's base on Heryn; here they detected rich deposits of iron ore and silver. Ex2: Whosam is one from two small moons orbiting Planet Drake. Like Ghamwor, there are rich mineral deposits of Cobalt ore. IMG and BMM are both very interested in the mining rights here. ... (Hidden Content) [/expander] Not…
  • denne: PM was sent.
  • (Quote)DONE (link, link, link) (Quote)60% finished atm ... this is not so difficult (especially with Gearhead's grammar support ), but it take more time as expected. (Quote)Big dunno here, SWAT_OP-R8R: something done in this? (Quote)Some of ships were retextured, but still is more missing ... here can help only ppl which knows how to work with textures... (Quote)Rumors are posted HERE. Everyone is invited to post few rumors or news. (myself want continue here after moons are finished)
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)[fortschritt=Descriptions finished: 127/156 (29)]81.5[/fortschritt]
  • Everyone willing to help with writing info-cards please contact me via PM. I only need to say that it need to have knowledge about CF mod for writing these.
  • Atm I got few more moons desc (29 missing) and this I think we can in 4 ppl (which work on it) finish. Here is still more possibilities for writting (news, rumours) which thread is here: index.php?page=Thread&threadID=26385
  • All moons descriptions are now written, remains some grammar corrections and the last check if everything fits as should. Big thx to Ajay, denne, trevcart and Skariah for theirs work on this!