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  • hey there, folks. I'm new to the forums and installed crossfire the first time. after updating the launcher, starting the game and restarting it the "new" launcher seems to work fine so far with one exception: the lower bar with the start buttons is missing. I don't get any erreor messages most of the time and several reinstallations of freelancer, FLMM and crossfire couldn't solve the issue. It's just as if the launcher does not fit the window. I have the same problem ingame with the 1920x1080…
  • Thanks for the help with the launcher. Somehow I never thought of it that easy. It crashes sometimes when I maximise it but at least it shows buttonz! Thanks as well for the resoultion fix but I figured it out myself already. The resolution in Documents/My Games/Freelancer was correct. That's where I searched for first. Later I found that in the freelancer.ini in my installation dir. it showed 1024,768 instead.That somehow streched my game all over the freakkin wall. Would have needed a whole ci…