Search Results

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  • Hi All, Not sure what to write over here by the way... Anyway, my real name is Maishaf... in MP, i'm the Original Seven...Being playing FL and CF (SP) for many years already but MP just within this year i think...So, not very familiar with all this new environment apparently...The first time i joined, somebody blew me up... later, i blew up anyone i came across... heheheUntil someone messaged me why i shot them without warning... frankly speaking, i have no idea what to answer him...And frankly…
  • Thanks Forlon, i'll make sure that i'll make up some time to read all the links given...
  • Hmmmmm... just accidentally found my first post i think.... How stupid and ignorant i was during that time... or maybe still i am, who knows... hahahahaha...