Search Results

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  • What!!! This is pure fiction! I collected the bounty perfectly within the rules. I then received messages complaining that I had acted in a cowardly fashion which I ignored, only to received further abusive messages. I therefore left the area and went to X. This character followed me there and attacked me; I did not attack him. I assumed this was in retaliation for me collecting a bounty. I defended myself as I am entitled to do within the rules. I do not attack players out of RP and there was n…
  • I WAS followed I got to X before he did. He did attack me first! What is this... I do NOT act out of RP. Michael if you were there and if this happened as you say it did, why do you not raise the subject then? If I get abusive messages I ignore them. As has happened here it only leads to more problems. Why did he not respond when I asked him why he attacked me? As I said before this is crazy, what the hell is this all about? I have played this MOD for 8 or 9 years now and have never been accused…