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  • New Clan- CTA

    not unless i got them! but be careful, pirates are more common nowadays then in 1.3....just watch for a guy names phex.... .....bastard took 'bout 2mil's worth of cargo from me......we should have no dock raping rules for when you jump from a system..
  • New Clan- CTA

    yeah a couple times by hawk and that guy phex i was attacked straight in cinematic mode...which is why i lost more than 2mil in cargo....but if it was after teh movie view i would have gotten through which is why i dubbed the drom the Blockaid Runner. ( no joke ) reason why i dubbed it that was cause i got through phex, another of his compaions (think was toby), and about 12 outcats that stayed there since they were camping...with only 2 CM and 2 sunfurys mk1......sad loadout huh?
  • New Clan- CTA

    what i meant was the few secons after cine that you have no control, once you have control about 2/3 your armour is gone and shields are impossible.