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  • Hello First: Sorry for my bad english, but i'm Hungarian.Second: I'm extremely newbie at modding. And the main part:1. I tried to create a custom system with Explorer. (I created a jump hole, about 6 weapon platform, patrol route for 2 faction, a base, a planet and a sun /It's looks like a nearly dead star: Mainly black, with dark orange glowing/halo./) Yeah, it works... until i try it. I can jump into the sistem, but when i use map or Interact anything (for example docking anywhere) the client…
  • We can call it as "Vanilla", but it's not true.I changed:- The starting money at mpnewplayer.fl- Installed FLHook with these plugins (Nothing changed within them): Flak_common, cloak, condata, death_msg_v2 and tempban. Unloaded, but installed at Mod Manager:- "Working cloak mod" (When it's loaded, then show that bug. Else just say "This ship don't have cloaking device" for all ships.- My star system, which created with Explorer. Nothing else. The game isntalled to the D: drive (A partition of t…
  • This is all what i changed... Maybe the FL hates me
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)Yep. Wrong FLHook install. Now i use Ioncross and it's work well. Most of my problems are solved. Which mod enables the power cores and engines?