Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • This matter was solved in space (later) ... not too much good result. (more in GR section)
  • Alex_G41: IOC are smugglers, you can get much more fun not killing them asap when not pay tax (and possible also much more moneys with little more patience) ... ... and I know that you like pvp and battles (IOC)Tyrael: sry, I was busy fighting when I saw your post in system channel. It need more talk when I will see you in space next time. Is many ways how to resolve such pirates attacking situation in RP (we mercs like help ppl out of troubles, but you need shout loud into our ears when we fig…
  • OK ppl, first thx that this thread was not moved to wild discussion. Next to that I want remind you all about few things: Server rules break: should not be solved here on forum but should be used TICKET SYSTEM (category Broken SERVER rules!). This for next time All players on server should obey Server rules. If they do this but prefer mainly PvP, then it is theirs decision and no one can force them to do things other way. This works for both side m8s! ... You can be RP professional liking stori…
  • (Quote from Alex_G41) no, and bans which were done was not originally intended. Originally was intended use fining only and explain what was wrong. There was later few things which resulted in ban. ... and you was doing also good one pirate RP like was this one in Manchester when we had more nice fights (Fallen Mercenaro was also there). Btw you know for example you can ask GR (or also ppl with EM rights) in space about announcing for example that Pirates decided to lock down certain system/bas…