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  • Let me state this - I don't want to act as a drama queen, but I'm pissed off as f*ck after what just happened in X-3043. After flying to Alaska to sell the pods that I gathered, I saw that there's a lot of activity in X-3043. SA Forlon, SA Mozzi, Alien, The One, G41, Caragiale, aurelcici, LC Abeh (maybe misspelling that one). Knowing only the RP of the SA folks, I decided to hop in and take a look at what's going on. I had a few pieces of Rum in my cargo, so I thought that if I get taxed I migh…
  • @Forlon, don't worry, mate, you had to defend yourself, my questions were not for you anyways @G41, (Quote from Alex_G41)To your request, I replied with "excuse me good sir?" and after you replied the very same thing, I was typing a new reply before getting blown up. And what do you really mean by "if you don't look my request"? Do you, by some chance, believe that every player MUST pay you right the way without having the chance to talk? So, it's down to pay, do not reply, or die?If you play f…
  • Please, guys, I don't want this to end up in people being banned - server has insufficient population anyway. If you truly want this place to flourish, it's up to you to do what you're supposed to, even if you find it boring. I've seen a good RP rolling on the server so I can tell that using less guns and more words is much more fun for all. Come up with crazy scenarios and put them to work. Get involved. Profit and kills does not really matter. If you see that a given kind of RP is going down a…
  • ^^^ Exactly, it's not that hard!