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  • Ty: I will sum it up quickly. It's because they don't know how to RP and Aurel if using his aurel003 char uses both the merc & pirate license. He is confused to say the least. That same group also sits in X or camps in the Arena until people enter X3043, they venture nowhere else. My advice to you? Just shoot them. Don't tell them why, just shoot them. Many of us have tried to help these "people" out but they refuse to listen. Edit: Aurelcici003 is a merc char. So he attacked you without contra…
  • SImply put, this is not a pvp server, this is an rp server where each role has a responsibility to participate other than sitting in X or the Arena waiting to invade Custodian. It should be a mandate to register in this forum before you can download the game , to read the rp rules.
  • The Crossfire story concerning X, was this system was used and represents neutrality / cooperation as it is a passage to all Houses. X3043 should be a NO RP zone / No PvP zone, exception to missions. Since after all, this is what X3043 is for a neutral meeting place of passage.