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  • Auto-turrets, im sure every mod will eventually face such request, quick searching found no such thing yet... So, here it is! A certain Star Wars mod has/had some sort of working concept of turrets that fire automaticly, as i know nothing of Freelancer editing i dont know how hard it is to mod in such feature but it would certainly have its uses and would enable larger capital-ships to behave the way they should. Im saying all this in a Single-player perspective, there would be rather nasty bal…
  • Using it as it is, yes it would be cheating, thus my idea of balancing a set of new specificly made auto-turrets one cannot fire manually at all and with much reduced power. Basicly the whole concept is to make large multi-turreted capital ships act like they should: Fly smack in middle of the battle, fire in all directions and outlast an outnumbering enemy. Or "Press a button and wtf-pwn some starter npc-pirates for fun" You could also mix in a few "normal turrets" to pick off targets of prior…
  • Ok fine, its your mod. But regardless, im still asking "how hard is it" as i dont see ANY mod actually using such... Kinda strange imo. Or is there any mod using it?
  • Comparing things: How hard would it be to add auto-turrets? Back in the day there were some talk about it, some said it was virtually impossible, since NPCs use em, why cant player... Freelancer is certainly based to be "fighter-craft game" and leave cap-ships to NPCs but considoring mods bring cap-ships to player and they have huge amounts of turrets, its kinda silly to be able to fire in only one direction at a time. Some vanilla ships lose quite some of their dmg-output because some turrets …
  • Im just trying to ficure out why havent anyone done auto-turrets. Is it because its too complicated or what...