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  • After a lil' ingame talk I come up with - once again - a question on multiplay in CF. For the roleplay I as a player have already announced my chioce. Open Role-Play starts with a char reaching level 40. When I - as a player - create a new char : Under which "rule" can I act with this new char on the server ? The full, "unharassed freedom" of a below-40th-level char, no fines/taxes/bounties, free roaming Ney York (Quote)or is this char already part of the Open Role-Play due to me, the player no…
  • Thanks for the clarification, m8s huskerEven with a "vanilla" VHF you can stay below lev 40 with a mounted licence,depending on the worth of equipment you've mounted/berthed. It's 38 or 39, but I can be wrong.With vanilla LF or HF you stay well below lev 40. Michael"...can enter their systems without their perms,..."Would NEVER do so. REALLY BAD CONDUCT imo."... not using the bank to store your money so you can "flee" from RP situations ..."You mean : DON'T DO THIS ! Right ? Just asking due to …