Search Results

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  • OK, so I tried my hand at Dilithium mining for the first time, and the Ferengi has 2 types: normal mining (daily) and a "rich deposits" mining, which requires a "rich deposits" permit. Where do we get that permit? I initially accepted the latter mission, but when I got to the asteroid, I had no permit to offer, so I had to go back and get the other mission; meanwhile, the timer was still running on the "rich deposits" version, so I guess it's a daily mission as well. Now that I have a few credit…
  • I have compiled OP's posts on Dilithium mining and EC production in the attached text file, for everyone's printing convenience...definitely worth having at hand!
  • According to the PWE/STO forums, there will be a weekend "event" (like the hourly events during the week) that will double the yield on Dill mining. Last I checked, there was some ambiguity as to whether that was this weekend, or next (starting Feb. 7). Supposedly, this will also double the mining claim yield, which is normally 5000 dill, if you "crit" the mission. Also unclear if this applies to daily dill mission bonuses; either way, a good chance to make mining worthwhile.
  • On the STO forums, a player posted a YouTube video link yesterday, showinghow to do a mining exploit to double your yield at the Vlugta mines. He was promptly denouonced by the admin's, who not only redacted his message, but also urged him to withdraw the video. I was fortunate enough to have seen the video in the few hours it was up, so I can describe the basic apporach, but I'm sure the exploit will be removed once Cryptic does the Monday maintenance after the Bonus Marks Event this weekend. …
  • Well, I can certainly understand the frustration players feel about the balky user interface, and the huge Dill costs of most everything worthwhile in the game, and how they might feel entitled to some small compensation for those issues. For what it's worth, the exploit was not as easy as it looked; I was only able to get this to work about half the time. I did notice other players using the exploit right next to me; I never thought to watch for this before I learned of it, so there's no telli…