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  • O.M.F.G As you all know i rate Braben/Bell as the Founders of ALL space sims, and they have my respects..... But Really !!!!!!!ANOTHER Micro payments backed project....give me an effing break............ He saw what Roberts has done, and has jumped on the band wagon...really really sad.. Is this NOW the shape of things to come with making new games, in that case, i want NO part of it. OP........ PLEASE don't go down this route, i beg of you.... So ppl, just donate to Crossfire, so we can blow t…
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)Sanity prevails....Hurrah !!! Rgds Cygna
  • (Quote from NucNuc)Yes NucNuc I have been to this site, but it still doesn't change my opinion onwhat i said in my post further up.Call me old fashion, but i prefer to buy my games through a proper sourcelike a computer store or on the net. Braben, has just jumped on the band wagon,,, he saw what Roberts has done, and heIS doing something simular to him.I understand that he is not trying to save the world or belittle others as OP put it, but imhoits STILL not the best way and looks wrong to me.…