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  • Hi All,Just wondering if all those capital ships that venture into inner core actually dock anywhere? IS it even possible? Any help would be appreciated. If it isn't possible...shall i suggest there be atleast 1 dockable station in 2.0 inner core??? Cheers for your time Bucket
  • Fair Call... See where your coming from... What about there cruisers and Motherships though, surely they dock, guess the compatibility extended to fighters by DK would also be extended to capital ships? My real point I guess; it is unfortunate that the capital ships can't stay in Innercore, the supplies e.t.c. that would be onboard from a consistency point would sustain the ship in deep space for a period of time, so being able to park a capital ship there would make sense. Heading into inner c…
  • (Quote from Huor)I've had a good think about this and I think i'm changing my tune here...I now agree that Battleships should NOT be allowed docking in Innercore sector... Why you ask? 1) The story... Its just trent...tiny little trent in his tiny little space ship, do the SP without god mode on... getting a battleship is basically out of the question without going AWOL through the middle of the vanilla campaign and pod hunting till your trigger finger hurts... not what the story intended reall…