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  • I have an announcement to make, too:this time I'll leave CF for good, due that I start to study in octobre and have preparations to do.Also, i lost my fl-id due my last pc-wipe and cant find my printed-out copy and i doubt that OP or whoever will restore my chars, mainly because of the statement above.Nevertheless, this is only an announcement and not my final decision, because i really do enjoy the mod and its features and i would be saddened if i have to leave.
  • (Quote from Huor)a few days ago i came with the idea of the "corrupted" Dom'Kavash in altair, this was a pilot-project and i think with a bit more work and effort this can surely be a pretty interesting event, imo. Though, I need a lot of volunteers for these kind of missions because motherships and DK-escorts can kick some seriously ass. So if the community is willing to participate in "my" event, they are free to contact me. I also have changed a bit of the mission structure (in my mind), sta…
  • i cant understand why or how so many ppl can stick with discovery. from my experience i could say that i got bored within the 4weeks i have played it. cf is so much better imo, though discovery has some interesting and good features, especially for bs.