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  • I'm up for this although I hope podding doesn't get restricted although it is the quickest route for making money.I do have a thought that diamonds should be worth the most again like they were in some vanilla freelancer server so that pods are just 10% less valuable price wise and you have to go long distance.Say Leeds to Manhatten, NY trading diamonds to make a substantial profit and so pods use less cargo space to even it out a bit for people who just want to pod.
  • I will be brutal on the criticism with regards to the easy earning on this mod seeing as within 12 hours or less I had earned enough credits to buy a phoenix class 10 ship and fully kit it out with all the upgrades, shield, max power, max shield, max thruster etc and enough fire power to launch a space shuttle on top of that full ammo with ease.So yes personally I feel this ease of achievement has gone to the dogs so to speak, its just too damn easy and that my friends is why they're less people…
  • (Quote from Martind Forlon (SA_Forlon))I don't need a fancy cloak as it just takes all the challenge out of freelancing, missions, pvp etc and I personally find battleships slow and a waste of credits and I have read all the rules and features of CF inside out hence why I didn't bother with CF until 1.9 for it to be more robust in terms of stability and yes.I have no prior knowledge of 1.8, I just waited after seeing CF 1.8 videos online to see if it would be improved also when I first saw info…