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  • (Quote from /V\ichael)i was reading a sticky from Abrasdevil about that very thing. here's whats wrong with calling another player out publicly (for whatever reason) - Ya look like a whiny this that and the other thing. if you dont like the way someone is "RPing" with you, then kindly say "hey man, i dont like the way your RPing with me. i'd appreciate it if you left me alone." should they continue, then say "well i can't do anything more" then go use the ticket system and report him or speak t…
  • you realize it's implied that i don't condone publicly calling out another player for a petty reason right? BECAUSE it's against the rules. the bullet list which came after your first quote is everything wrong with publicly saying something...i figure some of ya'll are smart enough to figure out "well all these bullet points are excellent reasons why i shouldn't flame another player for what seems to be a useless reason to fight it" and plus, not everyone reads the Terms and Conditions... in fa…