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  • Don't know if this has been mentioned but something i randomly found out while testing a new ship with a massive turret on it. I wanted to get it so the turret would turn really slowly due to its size and weight on the model. All it did was turn quickly like a normal turret. I then decided to add mass to it, thinking that's bound to slow it down. Nope, still turning quickly. And then i discovered this line in the weapon code, turn_rate = 90 I always thought it had something to do with the angle…
  • Tbh it's only useful if you have a big turret you want to use, otherwise it can be left on the standard setting of 90. Some base turrets after further digging are set to 45, but in my case i really wanted it to be slow so messed with the setting until i found a value i was happy with, 10 in my particular case