Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • I didn't make it in time to answer in that forum before Griff eagerly shut it down. I've made a policy of mine to stay clear of a vast majority of discussions that can cost me time and nerves, since you can't discuss things with some people here (you know whom I'm referring to), so I've just stopped trying. I've been here since 2009 (I think, maybe 2008, dunno now), and most of that time was spent in the fold of PX. I'm proud of that time - I've reached a high rank and had loads of fun with my …
  • Gunny, yes, naturally there's a conspiracy behind everything. As for that guy, why don't you simply ask your clan mates. You do realize there's Crossfire even when you're offline, Michael? I made it a principle not to give people lots of licences for the stores, but vast majority for immediate use. What you (don't) see doesn't concern me at all.I don't hate - that takes too much time and nerves; and I don't insult except when I've really had enough; most people would find that commentary very d…
  • (Quote from Portalearth) That's not a fair thing to say - it takes two (or more) people to tango, and I'm sure I've done my share of dancing (or lack of). Yes, Abras, we'll still have a bromance.
  • Can someone like close this 2 posts ago?