Search Results

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  • (Quote from [BC]afGun) Some guys made a mistake and the whole clan got punished for it. Some guys stuck their nose into other peoples business and can't handle the fact it's not apreciated that much. Those who want to return will return, no matter what. Shockwave: how about us? you know you love me (no homo)
  • [BC]afGun: what I told was a very long story made pretty short. The full story no one will be able to tell, since for a complete story with all details, everything would have to be revealed. (from all sides) Parts of the story are spread across the forum over a duration of more than just 2, 3 or 5 month. Parts of the story happend on the leader board, where only clan leaders have access to and where it should remain, since it's not of anyone elses business.Parts of the story happend via PM, whe…
  • (Quote from Shockwave) well. before it goes even more off topic[threadclosed][/threadclosed]