Search Results

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  • maybe you guys should CALM DOWN first, and then starting to discuss anything.cursing and swearing does not help anyone. And what SHS concerns, he is not and never was a representative of CSF. Otherwise there would have been an information about it, for ASF (to know who to talk to) and for CSF (to know who is responsible) My suggestion would be to look at the usergroups, where it shows "moderated usergroup" and right below it, it tells the leader of this usergroup. Simply contact THOSE PERSONS f…
  • (Quote from spylegs) Can I get a link to the discussion please? I haven't read anything about it, nor did I find anything via search yet.
  • (Quote from Abrasdevil) I would really appreciate it, if a link, which leads to the discussion, which appearently has been held, could be provided, instead of calling others morons. If that's not possible, then please don't say it has been discussed, when only a certain group has had a word in it. It's pretty confusing talking about discussions which are only accessable for certain group members.
  • spylegs: I am one of the GR's yes. But that does NOT necessarily mean, that every GR knows what others are announcing. Period. About the announcing of this battle being planned. I only saw it once myself during the (so called last 2 weeks), being made by horatio. And even he told me, HE got the information from the ASF-section. NO information about it in any public section. I never made such an announcement myself, BECAUSE I had NO information about it. Period. All you told me when the server c…
  • How about stop talking and blaming others and simply getting ONLINE (having the proper license mounted) and killing the opponent with the "targeted/opposite license" ? Of course, outside NY, Arena, neutral and/or clan systems To afraid? To difficult? or simply to hard to accomplish? Chicken will always keep running, no matter if ASF-Chicken or CSF-Chicken
  • (Quote from Martind Forlon (SA_Forlon))Martin Its easier to take it personal, than trying to get the whole point. Chicken (yes chicken) do exist on both sides. no matter what you call it. I call it chicken or even worse, cowards, trying to avoid everything what implements fighting in whatever way on the server And people can give me negative reputations all they want. It does not change my mind about those, who show more presence on the forum and talk everything to death, rather than jumping on…
  • (Quote) I dont mind Gunny You're welcome. I just hope I can be online the same time (you know, time difference can be a pain in the rear-part)The purpose of SMG paying Tarsus a visit was to get M moving to defend his home. But well.. no luck to make him comming, or he was too scared. But it was still fun SA_Forlon did a good job and Crysis and Azimut took over later. Anytime again. At least this way its more fun than this constant arguing about crap Still. I want M's butt grilled on my plate, s…