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  • This is a proposal of system conquer logic for CF2... the best way to conquer a system is to have the following logic... Every clan is registered as a faction on the server.( that is not very difficult to put in ... there are lots of tutorial on how to do that.) You declare a system rep with a player .. meaning each clan has their own faction rep in their owned system. Then in the flhook you can see the details of the player that was just killed ( already in - for rep and such) If a player kill…
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) I understand that the conquest system is not finished, and that is why I did the suggestion. Remember this is not a request for a feature, but a suggestion of how something can work that can be refered to or ignored at the time that the final decisions is made. Most of the code is already in freelancer - all that is needed is to add the server clans as factions and add the faction reps to the structures/systems that the clans own. The clans should also be able to purcha…