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  • Of of, if you have a mouse on which you can play while wiping your ass, do it! if you don't, cry cus of it, if you have one and you can't realise how to use it,'re hell of a fair guy who cares about having fun, from my own experience as both missile and gunner player i noticed missiles tracks on low SL, and don't come and tell me Avada-Kedavra stuff about how pro you are and blow the others missiles and launch torp, cus in fact all you need on "no aim missiles" is indeed watch for the…
  • Nostromo<3 to bad it's for Lineage 2/WoW players, RAT9...hmmm wasn't that wireless? idk i don't like wireless stuff but indeed i'm waiting for the RAT 7, but not rly hopping i'll do big deal owith it:D Anyway i pwn you al! who wants a piece of me??ha ha?? come and get it!:P