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  • Sorry to say OP that is and was possable, I did send a ticket as well with a pic (if you could see it)Char name Junker Clunker, sitting in NY at lev 22. Showed I withdraw 61mil from my account to buy a Soultrain and when I logged back in I was back in NY with a Starflier and no ship or cash. Thus cash can be lost. I am just putting my two cents in, as I have made that back.
  • LMAOFirstly; I demand nothing from anyone, I am just stating what happened to me.Even in the Ticket I filled out I didn't ask for anything back.As for the cash could really care less as its easy enough to make it back. Secondly; yes I know there might be some that would clam something happened to them such as loose money or equipment and such, however if someone can gain it all back then its just to infom others of what happened and thus maybe able to fix if there is a prob, which it has and thu…