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  • Michael. I think that some achievments are not listed anywhere because they are meant to be a sort of surprise and special reward. And not meant to appear in a list for people to only go for those achievements (like changing names only to get this achievement, or visiting as many profiles as possible, only to get the achievement first, or reading 10k threads only to get this achievement first)Getting achievements are NOT meant to be a battle or challenge between the users. If people want to be …
  • Dude. I change my passwort weeklyI accepted a friend request from LP, and?? I tried to add a new picture in my signature and avatar, which didn't work. And? The only thing I did try on purpose was the style changing, which did not work for me. It showed the new style but even after logging in and out and restart there was no recognition of it. You must really have too much time dude more than 800 achievement points whithin less than 24 hours Addiction has a new definition I'm afraid
  • Dude.. read and understand signature and avatar did not work, therefor I have the same as before - Even the system recognizes it as "new" which is not the case, since the old is still there, only uploaded new. changing weekly (as I said) is different than daily (as you said) And I do change my passwort weekly. And finally stop accusing me for things I have not done/written. now get over it. and stop flaming with nonsense.
  • why confused. When you go and change your signature, you submit it. and when you don't change anything and you still submit it, it takes it as "new signature" uploaded/created even you did not change anything.