Search Results

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  • Atm i'm using a Genius GM-050007 Ergo 525 Mouse, and i'm thinking to buy Cyborg R.A.T.7 Gaming Mouse for PC and MAC: Electronics Any better options than this at same price?
  • (Quote from Cresthen)Hell no....
  • (Quote from Michael)From reviews and some trailers i've seen some awesome stuff about it, like button combinations between left and right click and those extra weights rly makes me like it, as about those pinkie grips, i think it's a great ideea:D
  • (Quote from Michael)I did trow 1 or 2 when i was playing L2....
  • A good piece it's one that can easily be replaced by trowing on the window, been there, done that, last time i ended up with a coup of soda in my keyboard and started to restart when i was pushing "[" funny stuff was that i had psw on windows profile and i couldn't write my psw corectly anymore:D so i had to open a keyboard with sh1ts like backlights and stuff to clean, i was surprised that it actualy worked after and it's still working:D
  • Fl it's a relaxing game, i'm not really speaking of someone's fault, i mean a fail craft you farmed all month for or some shiti RB failed cus of a idiot cardinal or buffer and so on:PBtw gn for now;)