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  • Do I understand right that they keep parts of that ACTA secret? Dunno how law works in other countries - but here in europe you can actually see all laws in public.And they can change articles within ACTA without jurisdiction. Without proove. Then i am going to question democracy. Tend to believe governments fooling their own people
  • As if the US has no other problems... Copyright infringement has its own laws.Worldwide in different aspects - but accusations of such infringements are possible all around the world, arent they? Shall they first start to act on given laws - and not bring new ones. In my eyes new ones are not needed.And first they shall take care of their own country their own mistakes. Hint. Financial regulations, debts control, etc. pp. What i do not understand - as if the other countries have no own sovereig…
  • Nice movie Heaven! Although all this is more or less already in place... Your emails can be read, your ISPs may or must keep your connection data, Firewalls scan every packet sent through the net. What happens with countries that dont take part in ACTA? I mean this ACTA committee cannot cut off the internet of countries who dont sign this law... Or is the ACTA then shutting down the chinese or russian inet then? From what i have read and heard so far ACTA would lower the rights of each individu…
  • But Gunny, then why something new (like ACTA, SOPA or PIPA and all the future called bill abbreviations)?If all is currently at place there is no need for new stuff if even the old ones are not enforced.