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Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • If nothing unexpected happen, I will be there
  • Nice action ... little bad luck with this doom BS . I avoided one hit and in next encounter appeared BS directly before me and take me one quadrant away. ... and light fighter squad in next moment (boom) ... ... I have few ideas what to do better next time trains now without bots/bats are much easier to kill. Not count small detail that drive full train is as try turn elephant on ice
  • Added few pictures from Train view:
  • (Quote from Husker)... yes, but with practice it is much better ... I like how it is now (was much worse at beginning) bcs now you simply need practice if you want think about average flying with Train. And IC is simply worst environment for Trains operations and this is for me also OK. It is nice Challenge . We did in this mission too much small mistakes for expect success. I'm absolutely sure that in 2-3-4 next such type operation will be result much better. For example:In squad need to be 1-…