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  • (Quote from Michael)are you talking about Kamov-bomber? this ship still has no attached coa-torps, just 4 slots for normal torps. i told OP that once, but in my case nothing changed (Quote from Michael)no i think that coa-torps just take 10 cargo in 1.9, so it was reduced to hold several torps on a fighter.
  • yep. just bombers do have integrated coal torp launchers, such as the Foxhound or the Hades or afaik the Kamov-bomber too. But still, i dont know why this ship does not have any
  • (Quote from SA_SEQAN)if i dont get you wrong, then this doesnt make any sense. the Kamov is the coalition-bomber, so why not having coalition-torpedoes there has sth gone very wrong in my oppinion
  • oh ok. good to know^^ so will you gonna update it asap?
  • Uhm heya again, i have a little thing to comminate, namely that the cargo hold of the Foxhound is a joke... a bomber with holdsize of 58 is a bit weak, aint it?i mean Kamov or Hades has more holdsize so you can theoretically carry more torpedoes... max 5 coalition-torpedoes for a bomber is a bit spare. how to take out a battleship without sufficient ammo?