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  • Long time no see everyone; I heard about 1.9, got very excited, soiled some clothing, and then installed it. I don't play multiplayer in this game; I am just not into it at all. So, I am always stuck playing the single player campaign over and over again with different mods to spice it up. I've played so many mods where the game is made to be ridiculously easy (your buddies wipe out the competition before you can fire a shot), way too hard (it takes 10 minutes to destroy a single rogue fighter …
  • I already ran into a few places where I got stuck in CF1.9 because the cruise speed is 450. I've dealt with this in other mods and it is easy to deal with once you know how to avoid it. And, there is no way to fix it, so there is no complaints from me. As for the voice actors, I personally wouldn't care if the characters suddenly had German accents for the extended missions. I am not sure how you guys handled it, but nobody is expecting you to replicate professional voice actors with American ac…