Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • do you generally mean all ships, which have to use a mooring fixture to dock on stations or planets? like Soulforge Train, Battleships, Destroyers, regular trains? Also the large transport?
  • (Quote from Michael)Why should the Ragnarok have to be sold as well? Its not a train class and no capital ship, is it? I mean, cap's and trains use mooring fixture to dock. the ragnarok uses the regular docking ring as well as the regular docks on stations (even its too big to fit properly) @ OP What ships exactly do you recommend to get rid of? All ships which uses the mooring fixture?Also the Ragnarok from GR's ?
  • STAY ON TOPIC PLEASE As far as I can read, the TOPIC is Crossfire 1.9 status. And not CF comparisons, possibilities, options or confidence, personal feelings or whatnot. If you got some smartass comments to say, open a new thread. If you got hints or advises, open a new thread. If you got any questions, use the search option, if that fails, open a new thread.
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)does it mean downloading the mod again and reinstalling it? or is it just concerning those who haven't downloaded it yet?
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)you mean when you set up the first time? I got all on maximum there
  • @ OP Today when I logged in I recognized the server running with flhook enabled. I checked the uptime of the server, which showed me 1:01:xx:xx. Means more than one day without any interruption. As I was online for a while (only me and giorgi) I assume someone, with a damaged ID/char must have tried to connect the server (but not showed up finaly) because the server started lagging red constantly and crashed afterwards. Same thing happend like 2 times again. Then the "reason" must have given up…