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  • I em happy to see u guys wiling to change things xDFor you end OP the bigest reword is wen u see 300 + people online everyday . In order to do that the whole community have to work together providing the best atmosphere to new ppl , make them file welcome end most important ... help etch ather .people whine in every game, that will not change, I mean u have problems with 20 ppl here wat bout if u have 3000unfortunately in today games ppl just wont things they demand things end if u dont provide …
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)Well OP they way i see it actualy is up to u. You know who cares for this server end who dont end i em sure that ppl who dont care end far less then ppl who cares soFor this ppl that give u troble i give them 2 weks to change if they dont well buy buy .. syaAllsou cant make the good guys safer cuz os some shmaks end if i war u i give more power to your moders(GMs) so they can do there job.Peace.