Search Results

Search results 1-11 of 11.

  • I once had an idea how to make pilots more interested in working as a unit.The result is as follow: Grab Every Pilots Attention - Explain the Task - Make the Reward Mouth-Watering Date: Friday, August 5th. 20:30 server time (GMT) Start will be between 20:30 - 21:00 server time (GMT)Gathering place for participating pilots: Douglas Station, Omega 3 Requirements: Pilots are entitled to attend with the ship of their choice, as long as its a FIGHTER class. Pilots can choose any kind of equipment to…
  • @ Drale I just wanted to figure out if someone actually pays attention to the task and not just drooling for the reward @ Bond Extend the time limit to one week? what do you mean? give you 1 week to achieve the goal? No way man. I think its time for pilots to actually DO something in order to get something back. And 2,5 hours should be plenty of time, if pilots start to work as a UNIT It should not be that difficult even for different teams to work together, should it? @ Orion Someone has to ma…
  • (Quote from Cresthen)Pilots can freely choose the company they want to fly with. Depending on the total numbers of participants, I will decide if groups of 2 or 3 members will have to be made.
  • for everyone who wants to participate, to sign up for it. Link is available in the first post. So far only 2 pilots are going to accept the challenge? Wow, Im really impressed how many strong and tough pilots are actually flying around in sirius and altair sector Oh, I forgot some of you are rather staying hidden than facing the challenge right upfront Because the glaze of your wings could get dirty, I know
  • to sign up here As more participants, as more fun it will be. So get your fighter ready (equipment, reputation with DK's) and sign up for the ultimate showdown
  • no. The time is scheduled already. The Inner Core inhabitants are payed already, to not watch any TV-shows for this time, to leave their houses and have a nice ride on their crafts. I also payed them already for new triggers for their guns. So they should be pretty eager to blow some of you pilots out the sky. If you think you are a tough pilot and they shouldnt even try to mess with you, you sign up here and prove what a tough pilot you are. Othewise you better do what you always do, hide and …
  • I seriously considering to "move" the starting time to either 20:30 or 21:00 server time. Just to make sure that as many as possible players, who are actually willing to participate and not to sabotage, are able to make it in time. (like Fraise and several others, who already contacted me via PM) (Hidden Content) If you are interested in starting the whole action a bit delayed, I would apreciate it to get an information about
  • Thanks to all participants SA_Fighter_Fraise - - - - - 20.000.000 (survived but did not collect all required guns and did not make it in time back to weth)SA_Tafelberg_RIEBENS - - - 20.000.000 (survived but did not collect all required guns and did not make it in time back to weth)SA_Explorer_RAIDEN - - - 20.000.000 (survived but did not collect all required guns and did not make it in time back to weth) /CoP\Race_Guardian - - - 10.000.000 (left earlier and did not join back into it, therefor c…
  • Huor. According to the original post yes. would have been too much requirements. Knowing that almost all NPC's jump like little bunnys before getting to the slaughter bank. But I was aware of it and decreased the ammount "drasticly" . Main task was 1 of each gun for each group (which is NOT that hard to get, by 4 members per group) additional task was 2 guns of each per group Basicly they were in a group of 4 yes. but did that also mean they have to hunt as a group of 4? Since I said, "how you …
  • (Quote from Bond)I dont really understand the meaning your sentence. "I cannot imagine what will ppl say here just for 20 mill.Guys?" this part "just for 20mil". what do you expect? Getting the full reward, even not having completed the required tasks? Why? Because you are Bond? or whats the issue you have? The others were also complaining about some lag, but hey. They simply dealt with it and did NOT bitch around how fu*** up it is. and that it was a fail and whatnot. FYI - Raiden reported (af…
  • @ Fraise.. I will see about it maybe @ Bond. If you know already, things are getting too difficult for you to accomplish, then simply dont participate. I dont judge things knowing only one side of the story. A medal always has 2 sides (not counting the edge) besides that, I did not even start writing books yet, sorry if you can not handle more than 3 words in a row my problem is the constantly complaints about crap, which is not even necessary. Thats all, if you cant do things, then simply dont…