Search Results

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  • While the global clan rankings are out of date and such....I was under the impression that mainly npc kill counts lead to most of the ranking system? Not sure if I missed something there....but whats the point of just killing a bazillion npcs?....I thought playing MP was to play with other (human?) pilots. Edit, Perhaps LP exists "only to exist".....I'm not really sure about that.....although I guess there are simple remedies if that is the case. Personally, I try and control ALL systems that I…
  • +1 @ Huor, Raven and Faaby At times it does seem things get "outta hand".....even from the experienced players /clans. Personally, I just avoid that whole mess and continue trying to be a player on server that people don't hate ( even with my RP choice ). Sometimes it seems that I accomplish that goal...other times not. When those times are "not"....then I try to come up with other ideas. It's another intersting idea that you guys are working on...that's for sure. Amost forgot...+1 …