Search Results

Search results 1-8 of 8.

  • I'm sending you FORLON to your office Sir ! He's got FULL HD vid recording capability and a top of the line PC with the big graphics card... (i hate him for that ) I can think of a little scenario for that movie if you want...
  • PNG version : @OP : do you like it if i draft a movie scenario that will show the SP storyline major scenes ? This would mean that the filmer will need to have access to the SP Beta version ofc...
  • woOT !
  • just the change log is 500MB
  • then don't include it in the mod release, just a link will do !
  • The extended FL Intro is not really what CF is based upon. There are few things that differ from that in CF, like the fact that Sol was not blazed by a shockwave of the sun going supernova... CF suggests that the coalition stole the sleeperships blueprints from the Alliance and they also sent colonists, to Altair. Well they chose a little badly their spot cause nomads were pretty active there when they arrived. Luckily, in Sirius it took 800 years before the nomads started showing up... Edit : …
  • Q : can you release the Beta without the intro and have the beta testers film the intro with gameplay and action at that moment ? Forlon will be back from a trip soon and will be able to say if he is interested or not.
  • Why the font differs in the third part compared to the first part ? Wouldn't look better to keep the same font ? Besides that, amazing job !