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  • Hi to all. Sorry for my bad english,my own lang - is russian.I have some ideas for game..from alone players to big clans and i this all write on russian,but need some body who can translate this on english. please tell me if u can =)
  • I can say short about idea in 2 words(now i this is all write in word,then i send to admin to read the full idea)...thats can be the new style of game,when not admin gives story to players, where players do their story and game...admin only correct this. My idea has 3 stage:1. "colonization" (or expansion) - this level when clan (or houses) can colonize new system(and build them) for their control(like gurm,gladius, hieron and other in altair for Coalition, and from DK(who will play for them) -…
  • i say that this can be big mod...not little update in week. when clan want to place somethin in his system -he must to pay some credits(like the little station - 200 mil,medium - 400 mil, big - 600 mil or more,place the BS(if this house or clan of some house) - 500 mil, place Ion guns (for coalition) - 100 mil for 1 gun) to admin or other.... They can place this in some frequency... for building their system - clan must moving(trading,taxing and others)...this is will be stimulate all players to…
  • New:For capital ships: 1.Give to capital ships rocket(universal like flak) turels. First target for cruiser - kill heavy fighters,but how he can kill they if has 2.00 recharge speed of turels. Look like in reality ships...they have heavy and light weapons,rockets,torpedo. Now 1 heavy fighter in game can kill cruiser...thats crazy. Give for capital ships some this (1) - very heavy(for cruisers and BS only) - range 3 000 m, powerful some above 3000 damage, speed - 1022, 2.0 recharge.(…
  • and....will be good added for military ships,subspace ships and torpedo-boat (like kamov) different types of torpedo.(like the coalition torpedo) For Coalition - hydrogen coalition torpedo (biggest power of all torpedo)For Sirius - Nuclear (if it possible) torpedo. (lower power than coalition,but after explosion leaves the nuclear trace of high damage (some above 20 seconds after explosion,radius - 1 k) all ships in this area will be damaged.But they must be strong and use them can only cap ship…
  • and also - military (capital) chips can buy only people with best rep of this house,where he want to buy cap ship.If rheinland BS - best rp with military rheinland,if liberty - with liberty, if will be added coalition - with coalition. Thats crazy, when pirate can buy BS of Liberty and travel on trade(!) lines and taxing people %))))))))))))))))))))
  • to do (if possible) different stock of weapons.Like:for light fighters - 30 missilesfor medium - 40heavy - 50very heavy - 60gunboat - 100 (torpedo and missiles if will be added rocket turels)cruiser - 150 or 170BS - 250 - 300this implies all basic missiles and basic torpedo what have ship.Big ship needs more stock of weapons for long fight or long range operation.
  • there is only correction for the game and new idea. Off course,as i see, you will be nothing to change. sorry =\and if you have no time to do something for game - we can help you...only say what. many people in clan ready to help and work on specific programs.(im not bad use photoshop)we can help with russian wikipedia, because all people from ukraine, russia, bulgaria, georgia and other countries are speak on russian...thats will be good way for new players.