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  • (Quote from Regor)running against nomads in a battleship is not the wisest idea. BS's are usually slown, when not in cruise mode. And when in cruise mode you can not fight (like you can not in all other ships either, since the weapons are turned off as soon as you engage the cruise mode)BS's are also not that agile, compared to the regular fighters. Ok, their firepower is higher than this from fighters but regular fighters might beat you easily, because of their advantage in agility. I would re…
  • Am-Sher, refering to what Forlon posted. I offer you to give you 5 mil to start out with. just create a new char (on the new ID you probably got during the new installation of FL) Just make sure you write down your ID (start > programs > microsoft games > freelancer > examine my account ID)in this way you prevent such problems in the future