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  • ok i know that the info cards are just for fun but let me adres this i see it they must give litle backgraund of the ship (its desaine and wat was the reason for this ship creation) and how is it preforming agenst other ships, the big hull make it slow or the big gargo smace is for torpedos (aka a torpedo momber)but in some ships there is the frase "it is deadly in a skiled pilot hends" i must say that this is not true at allor frase as "this ship is simly the one" wat is that ev…
  • well my understanding have noting to with the staitment"it is fast turning ship" wen it is NOT
  • fast turning ship = ship that turn fast. some of this "fast turning" ships are so "fast turning" that i can not kill an npc with themor some info cards say "agile" or "big damage output" wen realy it is not like that : )
  • my understanding of fast sturning ship is like everybodys elce understanding of FAST TURNING SHIPhow can you understand it difrendly ?is for you fast turning ship = not moving ship, or fast turning ship = ? and big damage output is HAVING MORE GUNS THEN ALL THE OTHER SHIPShaving the SAME amaount of guns like 90% of the ships IS NOT HIER DAMAGE OUTPUT : >i dont count torps cuz they are not so big of a difrence realy (exsept coal torp wich is unuseble in VHF )
  • so you wona ppl to go explore and test ships. that is cool, i did that tobut dont lie to them saying in the infocards that this is "the best you can get" (cuz some info cards say that. or "very deadly in a skiled pilot hands" (well that just make ppl say "i am skiled pilot in this ship i will be deadly now" AND IT IS NOT LIKE THAT)SO saying in infocards that "this is the BES SHIP YOU CAN GET" you will only make noobs angry for buying that ship and everyone can kill them in itso they just ask me…
  • so cuz the yare advataisment meant they have to be unmoral buy saying rong things abaut the ship ?i know adwartaisment, and you must not lie in it or skip information abaut the product. : >wen you buy a car the guy will say to you that it can travel with the speed of light, but a fast look on the dach borad and you will see that max speed is 200km/hSO way not puting a dash board in the infocard, give ppl some nubbers to go withlike in grand torizmo 2 (love that game) wen you buy a car it dose n…
  • i did red your comenti even ancer it admit that wen you buy a car in other games the price is set for the cars preformens, and there is fast and slow turning carsin this game we have fast and slow turning ships, and "info" cards must give you information for the ship wich you buyand todays info cards are just cheap advartaising then actual info on the ship ! in how meny ways to explane ? if you dont understand my eng speling(wich is terable) come on TS and i will try to explane it to you verbol…
  • Huor this is absolute bs you know that ? wat dose relativity have to do with how a ship is performing. IT IS NOT RELATIVE THAT ONE SHIP IS FASTER THEN THE OTHER. (or cars) it dose not mater how me you op or enyone elce see that ship, it is still slower or faster then just dont wona tell ppl, so they can buy it swere that is total crap, and go buy other ship. do the same until he have both all the ship in sirius and go "TEST" the one in altairafter discovering good performing ships li…
  • Huor WAT SITUATIONyou wona fight you need fast turning ship. i realy need to to drop all that realitivity bsit dose not make you look smart just stuborn we all know all is relavent in rl. but here the game is simple. CUZ THE LAWS OF PHYSICS DO NOT APLAY HEREokrokets dont live tryles in space, they dont make sownd. this ships are very small to provide life suport, stations have to small windows compeare with the cockpit of the shipplanets are like 10000000000000000 tims smaler then they will be …