Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • For me its more realistic if any good, may it be ships, commodoties or equipment is based on your reputation. Officers should not be able to buy pirate ships and vice verse. And only smugglers should be able to buy the large trains - or dunno have a financial benefit (make them cheaper - just an idea). So no having the money is not enough - thats kinda boring. BTW at the moment you cannot buy stuff from a faction where you are hostile to - because you cannot dock on their stations. So yeah its …
  • But you can recognize the way i want to see it. So yes reputation based markets.
  • What do you fear - actually to explore the universe to find a license? Random reputation changes - for what reason. Today i hate you but tomorrow i love you - huh how is that realistic?
  • dunno if this is a matter of balancing. but somehow we should look for the goods, where they can be sold and bought. As example: Lately i had a good that was best bought in Gagarin and best sold in California. I doubt someone ever would do this run. Hence we should somehow see that we have special goods spread in the whole universe for sure but held locally. Thus for this example a good from Gagarin can be sold not more far than Sovetskaya for example. So speaking mostly about the new systems as…