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  • I agree with Abras' post that I copied below....entirely, 100%. I would like to add ( but I know this is not going to happen) , if you engage in smuggling or activity contrary to your RP, then your rep starts to be effected. So if you lose your rep status for youe chosen profession, then you can't hold the license. That will keep people within their boundaries for sure. (Quote from AbrasDevil)
  • Second note: From what I am reading in Op's original post, I suspect a char-wipe would be required?
  • (Quote from Daywalker) Essentially nothing would change, hence the reason why I am broke....... I intend on smuggling tonight. See if I can arrest myself. On Topic: I think tying people to a faction just like NPC would work great. Maybe afterwards, cops can have a selection of paintjobs on their rp specifc fighters or traders, representing police.