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  • I am done here

    Isn't it funny. Bond, you don't really want to leave, otherwise you would just have left, and not even considered to open up a thread about leaving On the other hand, you are right, there are some ppl on here, they give quite nothing about either others opinion noir the game in general. We all should not forget that this is a game, after all. Nothing to take serious enough to let it affect too much. Arent we all on here to have fun? To play a game together, even we play on different sites. Sure…
  • I am done here

    So. where are the mods, cleaning the thread when it starts going out of topic again. Question here was not who lied, who made screenshots, who has the right to judge over someone else, who complains when he/she isnt better then the other one. thats not even worth it, and you guys know it sure. its sad, really sad, that someone considers to leave for good (even I think he might just need a break and not leaving completely). But I for myself do NOT apreciate the fact, that people jump into the th…