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    I got same thing yesterday O_O btw. if still doesnt work, you can install Crossfire without FLMM.
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    Then my CF didnt work properly for some time no, seriously.. it's same. only diffrent thing is HUD, crosshair and setting that you choose while activating.
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    hahahahahah.. i did that.. but not first time i installed it. i didnt know that then, you could tell me -_- anyways.. Dragon: delete FLMM, download other one, install CF in FLMM directory, and then try to activate it.
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    hehe, ajde probaj. pa javi jeli ok. btw. ak stvarno nece, mozes i bez toga.. ali kao sta je Cro rekao, nesmije se pa..
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    woops, sry sir. just wanted to explain him. btw. it's not spam, we were talking abot FLMM and how he must use it or he will have some problems in game.
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    enjoy ;D and when SP gets too boring, visit us in MP