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  • Hai, I've been experiencing some wierd stuff lately and wanted to know what i'm doing wrong. I was trading in NY.. Yeah. No smuggling, diamonds to one station to the other. I did this about 50-100 times that day and i thought to myself "Okay, one more time and I'll log off". I went to dock at the Tradelane from Manhattan -> Fortbush, and planets,Tradelanes,ships,Samura,Bounty hunters, and whatnot started going hostile on me. • I'm not using a RP-Liscence. •I'm not hostile with any of the factio…
  • Not sure about the hostile - friendly thing, i'm only hostile to Xenos as far as i know at the moment. Maybe it's because my affliation is Junker? EDITI was hostile with Borderworld Exports, i bought a bribe off of Manhattan and have had no more hostile problems in NY so far.Thanks Michael for the post